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Apologies in advance to anyone who clicked on this section expecting, say, actual computer games. For the time being, expect this section to primarily be filled with the occasionally successful, poorly coded Minecraft mod. At least until I get a bit better with C#.


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Bits & Bobs Icon.png
AshenRemains Icon.png

Mindthemood's Marvelous Modpack (MM+)

A collection of Marvelous Minecraft Mods by Mindthemoods; made in Mcreator, with which to vastly enhance and improvify everyone's favorite block-based survival sandbox experience! Check 'em out for free on Curseforge. After some serious burnout, I've elected to take a hiatus from modding for my own sanity.


Mindthemood's Inspiration Vibes

A DIY Music mod; because I wanted to add my own music to the game and figured other people might wanna give it a try to. You can download the Mcreator workspace here. (With a basic example on Curseforge.)

Miscellaneous Stuff


Including, (god knows why), a choose-your-own adventure version of the battle of wits from the princess bride, and an exceptionally crappy Pong knock-off I made for a CSCI class, included here at a friend's insistence. 

A Sub-Par Choose Your Own Adventure Twine

Crappy Pong Knock-off coded in Racket

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